Mychal Bell is freed on bail


 'Jena 6' suspect free on bail

Hat Tip: Doug Simpson, Associated Press

A black teenager whose prosecution in the beating of a white classmate prompted a massive civil rights protest here walked out of a courthouse Thursday after a judge ordered him freed.

Mychal Bell’s release came hours after a prosecutor confirmed he will no longer seek an adult trial for the 17-year-old. Bell, one of the teenagers known as the Jena Six, still faces trial as a juvenile in the December beating.

District Attorney Reed Walters’ decision to abandon adult charges means that Bell, who had faced a maximum of 15 years in prison on his aggravated second-degree battery conviction last month, instead could be held only until he turns 21 if he is found guilty in juvenile court.

The conviction in adult court was thrown out this month by the state 3rd Circuit Court of Appeal, which said Bell should not have been tried as an adult on that particular charge.

Walters credited the prayers of people in this small central Louisiana town with averting a “disaster” when tens of thousands of demonstrators descended on the town. Some critics of Walters considered that a slap against the peaceful marchers.

20 thoughts on “Mychal Bell is freed on bail

  1. Ericka

    I thank God for the present release of Mychal Bell. I am praying for your strength and protection.

    However, it does not appear to be over for these marked youth. To ensure publicity of past and present atrocities, and for justice in Jena, and America we must affect pockets. I have watched the tactics of conservative groups and talk radio where boycotts and appeal to the bottom lines of corporate sponsors works. As long as we continue to fund systems that enslave, we can never expect to make progress. If we really want world wide attention, then we should boycott Louisiana till this atrocity is over.

    Louisiana is known for tourism especially during Mardi Gras. It would be more powerful if Americans would protest during Mardi Gras and Culture Fest instead of part-taking in the festivities. We could make an impact if we boycott all tourism in LA, their casinos, airports, etc until justice occurs in Jena. Let’s send a strong message to the infrastructure, no matter how long it takes. Can LA really take it as the country heads toward recession and after the happenings of Hurricane Katrina? I for one will forsake going to the 2008 American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans (and any other event) to show my outrage toward the racist judicial and executive systems within Louisiana. Does anyone else have ideas on how we can boycott LA?

    We are often told of how ruthless strict Islamic and/or communist governments are for not caring to have sanctions lifted from their country that were placed in response to human rights abuses. Let’s see if LA cares enough to have a tourism boycott removed? Believe you me, as sure as the analysts check sales after Christmas, LA will check the books around Mardi Gras and peak tourist seasons.

    The only reason we can choose any seat on the bus in the South is because the bus boycott touched the pockets of businesses- the foundation of our capitalist na

  2. Michael

    Ummm Ericka, he’s only free on bail, and he did indeed attack another human. I think your overshooting a bit with the histrionics and drama. Or are you telling us that you beleive the assault should be simply ignored?

  3. Erica,

    A boycot during Mardi Gras would be a good idea if this case were to linger on until then, it may not though. I still have heard nothing about the DA dropping the adult charges of the other four boys.

  4. Ericka

    Keep in mind that Mychal did not have adequate lay representation. Read this posting from minglecity: It suggests that these 6 men were targeted from the tree incident and there is the possibility of only one assailant. It is still time for a jury to decide if an assualt by Mychal actually occurred. Not one that had the friend of the injured party on board.

    Throughout the South young black men are targeted. They are tested by the system and class does not exempt them. I want to put my money where my mouth is and see publicity created for Mychal and others to see justice in LA and to get the federal justice department involved. There are still youths as well as Micheal that must go before another judge. Lousiana and America as a whole listens to discontent where money is involved: personal wealth, your ability to generate income, and spending power.

  5. firefall

    “I think your overshooting a bit with the histrionics and drama. Or are you telling us that you beleive the assault should be simply ignored?”

    Michael, why don’t you do us all a favor and take the lead of Bill O’Really by going to Sylvia’s in Harlam. Maybe that way you can have a revelation about us black folks being intelligent human being, and you stop trying to insult our intelligence with your comments about Mychal Bell’s assault.

  6. Well it’s clear that they shouldn’t be charged with attempted murder. I think they should be charged with a hate crime just like anyone else that gets 6 people and beats one person because of the color of their skin. Why do some of you feel the 6 boys should be set free? They are old enough to know not to run around and 6v1 gank someone. (No stop… think about it, they attacked a kid 6v1 that’s it. There is no reason to attack someone 6v1 other than to hand out a beating, it’s unacceptable when it’s done to black people and it’s unacceptable when it’s done to anyone else or would you have two seperate laws?) They deserve to pay for it and a hate crime version assault charge is just what they should get. As to the noose thing, those boys should be expelled if it happened on school grounds, if not charged with the manufacturering of a deadly trap (a serious offense).

    The only reason all this shit happens is because a few idiots in the white community sit around and get mad because they suck at life and see other people doing better than they are COMBINED with a few idiots from the Black community sitting around doing the same damn thing.

    Black/White different sides of the same coin… when people understand how much alike we all are, we’ll be a lot better off.

  7. Denise

    OT: Lots going on in our community today…

    1. CBC Forums on the Web

    Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) hosts a panel discussion on the future of Black Politics. Journalists and political strategists look at the impact of Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) presidential campaign. The event is part of the Congressional Black Caucus’s 37th Annual Legislative Conference, being held in Washington, D.C.

    FRI., C-SPAN, 10:30AM ET

    2. Senator Obama received an honorary degree today at Howard University.

  8. Denise

    My first post is in moderation. I included two links. Anyhoo… here’s the first one


    OT: Lots going on in our community today…

    1. CBC Forums on the Web

    Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL) hosts a panel discussion on the future of Black Politics. Journalists and political strategists look at the impact of Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) presidential campaign. The event is part of the Congressional Black Caucus’s 37th Annual Legislative Conference, being held in Washington, D.C.

    FRI., C-SPAN, 10:30AM ET


  9. Pingback: FREE!!!
  10. Denise

    To those in the Washington, DC metro area:

    Howard U television, WHUT Channel 32, is airing a live broadcast of the Convocation and Senator Obama’s remarks.

  11. I’ll be attending some CBC events this evening. Got to keep ’em on their toes and whatnot.

    And I’m surprised that the Dark Sith is showing his face at CBC weekend this year, considering how he’s been MIA since 2005 – the first year we published the CBC Monitor Report Card.

  12. The events of the Jena 6 were unfortunate. If there is a silver lining here, it’s that it has presented us with an opportunity to make light of wider injustices which whites tend to ignore unless it’s on the Nightly News.

    So in that vain, let’s all shed light on the cases of Gary King Jr, of Oakland CA shot in the back by a police officer and left to die on the diewalk for 15 minutes.

    Pleajhai Mervin, a 16 year old girl who had her wrist broken by a security guard for not picking up all of the crumbs of a cake on the ground. He told her “hold still nappy head”.

    And of course, Megan Williams, tortured in West Virginia. Prosecutors in her case are not pursuing hate crimes charges.

  13. Norm

    And I’m surprised that the parents of the boys that placed the nooses in the tree have not appolized for their behavior. Jesus was hung from a tree by evil people. Evil people hung blacks from trees in order to put fear in the others living. This was to show them what would happen if they disobeyed, ran away from slavery or did not work hard enough. Jesus died that all could live free from bondage. This type of behavior is blaspheming God. What is this town made of .. they cut down the tree!! Was the tree the problem?? I think NOT!!

    Adam was made from dust.. Eve was taken out of Adam .. So this would make Eve being made of the exact same dust as Adam.

    Since we are descendants of Adam and Eve.. Aren’t we all made of that very exact same dust as Adam? And it is continual.. Amazing!! Isn’t it? Only our God could be so brilliant.. So fair, so perfect.

    God said we are all one!! all equal… If any of us have a problem with this, humm we best get over it… Don’t you think… God is love and will never change to please our self ishness..

  14. Susan

    If we start naming black on white crimes, there is not enough pages on this computer for that. Black on black crime is high why not talk about that. Let’s talk about the Jena 6 thugs they all need to be put in jail for the crime the commited and for the crimes they commited before the Jena 6 they are THUGS.

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