Bill O’Racist has a bug up his arse


Faux News fascist Bill O’Racist has a bug up his arse for “Illegal Immigrants.” This segment is a graphic depiction of the blind and undisguised hatred that underlies the anti-immigration debate.  It is a noxious mix of xenophobia and racism and Geraldo Rivera deftly pushes back with reason.  However, you can see the inner conflict on his face.  At best, Geraldo Rivera is a smooth talking, self-absorbed, shameless self-promoter whose politics lean center-right.  


It pains him to correct Bill O’Racist but Geraldo had no choice when Bill cracked on air spewing spittle and hatred his direction.  O’Racist’s crack up was reminiscent of one of my favorite cinematic characters played by Michael Douglas-“D-FENS.”The put upon D-FENS, an unemployed defense worker, cracks up in LA during a traffic jam and becomes a psycho vigilante attacking colored folks.  Everyone who works at Faux News seems to be channeling this character at some point during the day. To be perfectly honest, I would be too if they paid me what they paid O’Racist.

VA Gov. Kaine backs Obama



By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 15, 2007

RICHMOND, Feb. 14 — Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) plans to endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president Saturday, pledging early support from a Southern Democrat as the Illinois senator begins his campaign for the White House.

Kaine will sign onto Obama’s presidential team ahead of the senator’s appearance at the Virginia Democratic Party’s annual fundraiser Saturday night, according to sources familiar with Kaine’s decision. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity because they do not want to preempt the formal announcement.

Kaine’s press secretary, Kevin Hall, declined to confirm the governor’s intentions. A spokesman for Obama was not immediately available for comment Wednesday. Asked about Obama, Kaine grinned and said, “It’s going to be a great day Saturday.”

Kaine, who like Obama is a Harvard-educated civil rights lawyer, has made no secret of his admiration for the senator. Obama campaigned for Kaine in 2005 and joined him on the stump last year on behalf of U.S. Sen. James Webb (D). Obama’s mother was from Kansas, where Kaine grew up.

In an interview with Washington Post editors and reporters last month, Kaine praised the other Democrats running for the 2008 presidential nomination as being part of “a deep field.” He spoke effusively about Obama’s personal charisma and abilities.

“Sen. Obama is just in a completely different category than anybody I’ve ever stood on a stage with,” Kaine said in the Jan. 31 interview. “There is just a feeling of, you know, kind of a projection of hope on him from an audience that is just unreal. It’s unreal.”

Kaine said his time on the campaign trail with Obama has convinced him the first-term senator “is a person who has been through experiences that have given him sound judgment.”

Shaun Kenney, a spokesman for the Republican Party of Virginia, said Kaine’s endorsement of Obama would be in keeping with the political principles of both men.

“I don’t think it’s surprising that a governor who has proposed billion-dollar tax increases will endorse one of the most liberal members of the United States Senate,” Kenney said Wednesday.

For Obama, an endorsement by Kaine on Saturday is an early victory in the competition for critical support among the nation’s governors and in the South.

Virginia has for years been a Republican bastion for presidential candidates. But the victories of Kaine, Webb and former governor Mark R. Warner (D) have convinced many in the party that the state could be up for grabs in the 2008 election.

“Pundits might not say it’s a complete tossup,” Kaine said. “I just don’t think it’s a state to be taken for granted. And I don’t think any smart presidential candidate will take it for granted.”

Kaine had declared his intention to support Warner’s presidential bid before his predecessor bowed out of the race late last year. In the recent Post interview, Kaine joked that Warner’s decision opened the floodgates of interest from Democratic candidates.

“I had a complete pass and nobody was bugging me as long as Mark was running,” Kaine said. “Since Mark got out, yeah, people have called me.”

Kaine’s decision to declare his intentions about Obama’s candidacy almost a year before the first presidential primaries departs from recent tradition in Virginia. Warner endorsed Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) just a few days before the Virginia presidential primary, which Kerry won.

George Allen’s defeat, a post-mortem


Having come down from the elation of watching George Allen concede Virginia’s Senate race to Jim Webb, I am struck by the realization of how close the Commonwealth came to re-electing him and placing its imprimatur on an unapologetic racist and homophobe. The stark reality of Allen’s strong vote totals make Doug Wilder’s election as the first Black elected Governor seem like divine intervention.

Were the revelations surrounding his gratuitous use of racial slurs not clear for the 1.1 million people that voted for him?  I am trying to wrap my mind around the ideology that allows a person to vote for an unapologetic racist and homophobe in good conscience.  Do they feel protected in the anonymity of the voting booth in exercising their racial animus?  Do they give in to these urges to support racism on a regular, daily basis? 

Are they rationalizing these allegations away or do they just not care?  More disturbingly, are they comforted and confirmed in their own prejudice by voting for him? These nagging questions floating around my head have a way of sapping my strength and stealing the joy of his defeat away from me.

Given the questions swirling around in my spirit about him, I cannot fathom why any sentient, sane African American would endorse him for any reason and provide him political cover, especially after several white professionals and collegues came forward to confirm his prejudice by recounting his unchecked use of the most virulent, anti-black, racial epithet in the lexicon.

What kind of twilight zone are they living in.  It’s as if these Negroes have ignored the entire sorrid racial history of this nation and believe that it doesn’t matter.  It has always mattered and always will. It mattered to Michael Satcher and Ronald Bennett, two African American men George Allen allowed to be executed by the Commonwealth after exculpatory evidence of innocence was brought to his attention and ignored for reasons of political expediency and probable racial animus.

Finally, despite everything, how can anyone profess to like a racist? Chris Matthews said that crap today before Allen’s concession speecch.  Can somebody help me understand that?  Was this “like” a factor in people’s vote to support a racist? Do they think, “Yeah, I know he is a Klansman, but he is really personable, I think I’ll vote for him.”  Somebody please explain that thought process to me so I can sleep at night.