Happy Birthday to me


I have offically turned 36 and I feel so old.   Am I crazy, am I supposed to feel this way?  I don’t get it.  This has been a consistent thing for 6 years now.  I hope it passes.   Reflection is never easy and the regrets are mounting, but I am resolving to press on with a positive attitude.  I am still here, and for some reason I thought I would not be.  It’s good to be alive and to reflect on the blessings of this life and some goals for the future.   By forty, I’d like to be finished with grad school, make a career change, and have child.   Most folk have achieved these things already by forty and I feel like I’m playing catch up.   Anyway, I can’t wait to get home and get another piece of mama’s carrot cake because mama don’t cook much and the cake she made me is from scratch.