Bishop Weeks countersues Bynum



Hat Tip: Errin Haines, Associated Press

ATLANTA – (AP) The husband of televangelist Juanita Bynum denies that he treated her cruelly and says they have not been continuously separated since June, as her divorce petition alleges.

Attorneys for Thomas W. Weeks III were expected to file his counterclaim for divorce later Wednesday. The four-page document goes beyond simply answering Bynum’s petition and makes a case for Weeks.

“Now they have each asked for a divorce,” said Randy Kessler, one of Weeks’ attorneys.

In the response, Weeks admits to most of the allegations in Bynum’s complaint, but denies her assertion that the two have been separated since June. Weeks said they spent one night together in August that boosted his hopes for reconciliation.

The next day, Aug. 22, Bynum claims her husband beat her. According to a police report, she told officers Weeks “choked her, pushed her down, kicked and stomped her … until a bellman pulled him off of her.”

Weeks faces charges of aggravated assault and making terroristic threats. He is free on $40,000 bond and is not allowed to have contact with Bynum.

Bynum’s divorce petitions cited “cruel treatment” and said the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”

Weeks told reporters their estrangement began June 3 when Bynum announced to the church that she was “planning to leave our church never to return.”

The couple wed in a million-dollar, televised ceremony in July 2002, and their marriage played a prominent role in their ministries. The couple co-wrote “Teach Me How to Love: The Beginnings.”

Weeks’ response to his wife’s divorce filing asks that the court equitably divide the couple’s debts and assets.

Bynum, 48, is head of a ministry that also includes a gospel record label and seminar tours. She has sold thousands of motivational books, CDs and DVDs related to empowerment and relationships.

Weeks, 40, is known to his followers as Bishop Weeks and is head of Global Destiny Ministries, based in the Atlanta suburb of Duluth.

17 thoughts on “Bishop Weeks countersues Bynum

  1. This is so sad on a human scale. And, if I were actually a follower of this ‘ scene’, I believe I’d be revited. As is, it’s just a soap opera to me. Sort of funny, cause they’re going to wind up putting ‘ all the business’ out into the street, before it’s all said and done.

  2. star1

    Ladies this mess should remind or teach all of us–with regard to marriage–DON’T MARRY DOWN–ALWAYS UP! Make sure the Negro has something! Furthermore, he must be a MAN and not a mouse! Ensure he has more going for him than just swinging his hands and running his mouth! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  3. Star1

    We sistas need to make sure that the man is the One God has for us – as long as he has a job, knows and accepts responsibility and can love his woman like God loves the Church, then that’s what we shoot for.

    Juanita and Weeks seem bound and determined to squeeze out every last inch of drama from this. Their divorce is shaping up to be as elaborate as their televised wedding…

    Christians should always do things “decently and in order”. I’m guessing they both forgot that standard…

  4. star1

    As I stated, Ladies marry UP and not DOWN! A man and not a mouse. TPJ whatever works for you then go for it! “For every man (or woman) shall bear his own burden….. God is not mocked…..Whatsoever a man or woman soweth, that shall he or she reap”. I am not arguing just keeping it real. My bible tells me “God winked at ignorance.”

  5. Star1

    The Bible also states that we should study to show ourselves approved, and that God would not have us ignorant, as well. He may have “winked” at ignorance, but that scripture really meant was that those who had the opportunity to learn and chose to remain ignorance, would get dealt with in the same way as those who had knowledge and chose to sin, anyway.

  6. star1

    My previous statement stands. God is not mocked. And yes, He winked at ignorance. I don’t know what type of argument you are trying to make or to whom. But my message to Ladies stand. If you don’t like it then -Whatever works for you will suffice. The scripture reads and means what it says–your interpretation of scripture is off but each man or woman will bear their own burden. So women must be cautious in the decisions they make with regard to marriage and ensure everyone brings something to the table. Reading or studying scripture is one thing but actually living and walking it– is another.

  7. Star1

    I am not disagreeing with you. And I never argue about what is said in the Bible; I study to show myself approved; a workmen needing not to be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of truth.

    We can agree to disagree on the type of man a sista should aim for. “Marrying Up” for you is different that it would be for me.

    I take exception to your statement about reading the scripture being one thing and walking it being another. God also says that we should judge not, lest we get judged. Your statement implies I’m not a Christian? Who are you to judge me? We’re both Christians, and I would never presume to think you’re not. I haven’t judged your walk, either, and I never would, because I don’t know you, and that would be arrogant of me to do so.

  8. star1

    I end this with this: I wasn’t implying you are not a Christian. Both Weeks and Bynum are well read in scripture as many of us are. However, living and walking the life we read or talk about is often difficult. That was my point–not aimed at anyone. Have a nice day and keep the faith.

  9. pray for me


    Please pray for both parties and don’t judge either side because only God knows the truth. I myself was falsely accused of domestic violence. Money got tight and my former wife became abusive. This abuse stemmed from the way her mother would treat her father. (Hitting, smacking & public humiliation). When a man is abused you must report it QUICKLY because it can be turned around on you very easily.
    I was blessed that the judge in divorce court saw the truth first hand when my ex came out of her fake crying and started yelling and being abusive right inside of the court room. The judge even told me that I was “very lucky” and could have lost some freedom if the truth were not exposed. The only thing that helped me keep my composure was realizing how Jesus acted while being abused. He forgave before they even wanted forgiveness.
    Not all men react like I did. I have male friends who saw what I went through and said, “I would have hit her back.” or “I would have hurt somebody.” It has been over two years and I still don’t date. The Lord is healing me. This is the first time that I have spoken out about the matter because, the Lord has shown me that there is more than meets the eye about this particular case.
    We don’t know the truth about the Bynum-Weeks case, but I do know that JOY COMES IN THE MORNING and GOD SEES EVERYTHING including the heart of a man/woman.

    God bless you all,

    Pray for me.

  10. Pray for Me:

    Your prayers continue to be answered, brotha, because your walk demonstrated your talk. And look at how God worked – your ex-wife got exposed and her tirade was recorded in the hall of justice for posterity. She might fool another man – but at least you now know to go beyond how “fine” a woman is.

    I will continue to pray for you because as you eloquently stated, a man could be falsely accused of domestic abuse because some women can be devious.

  11. PFM:

    And you will get back on the dating scene when you’re ready and in accordance with when God says you’re ready. Keep healing because you want to meet God’s woman as a spiritually, emotionally healthy individual who will appreciate the man of God that you are. Be Blessed.

  12. sharon

    Why is it that we don’t see these people as human? If these pastors, bishops, and others were ordinary people, no one would ever care about what goes on in their lives.

  13. Sharon:

    If they came at us humanely, they wouldn’t be celebrated as evangelebrities.

    Prophetess Bynum herself admitted that she filed for divorce from Weeks back in 2005, but didn’t go through with it because of “who she was.” If she saw herself as being another human being, instead of “Prophetess” maybe she would have been obedient and left the marriage when God allowed her that “out”.

    She weighed “who she was” far more than being in a healthy relationship with a loving man. Or maybe she was trying to walk her talk and brotha had issues with that – we don’t know. But what we do know is that they could go through their divorce without all this fanfare if they didn’t keep filing legal motions and holding press conferences when they strike blows against each other.

    By their own actions, they’re keeping this mess in the public eye.

    You’re right when you say if we saw them as ordinary people, we wouldn’t care about what’s going on in their lives, but since they are holding themselves out by virtue of their titles and their notoriety, they stay in the public eye and we watch.

  14. lboogie

    My sistas and brothas,
    Most people today in churches have a secular mindset and alot of the leadership as well. There are few people who want to be committed to God’s word but just aren’t spiritually mature.
    We like drama(period) and in some twisted way we love when successful people fall. And that’s all they are successful business people w/ no regards to holy writ. They r no different from the entertainers,pro athletes and the like. It’s about ego and getting paid. The female that made the point about ‘marrying up’ fits that bill. Now I’m sure that makes sense to her because that’s how secular christians deal. Believe what u see forget about faith. How many times in scripture did Jesus say “you have heard it said, but I say to you” I believe he was trying to correct the thinking of most folks in that day. He’s still trying to do so. Scripture proves all. “There is a way that seems right to a man but in in the end is destruction”(paraphrase). We get our ways from people we’re around(mama,daddy,sisters brothers and don’t forget about yo homegirls and homeboys) and that reality has to be true because that’s all we know and really don’t want to change(blind leading the blind). Yeah, we say the right things like God knows my heart and nobodys perfect but these are all cop outs. So we will still make the same mistakes that we always do in life and wonder why? Now that’s funny or maybe insane. I meet so many women and men(in the church)who don’t believe its wrong to have pre-marital sex. I’m sure that you good sistas don’t believe that because you know the word. So why do you do that which contrary to what you know. The truth of the matter is that we are carnal christians and when it comes to any sin we have to pay the piper. That sin is no different from what bishop weeks did. The one sista wrote to the females to make sure that they marry someone God has for them. How can anyone be sure. Juanita was sure 3 times(so she thought). Now somebody lied and I don’t think it was God in her case. People it’s about committment,vows, covenant. And how many of us truly know about that.
    What we don’t realize is that God has his church and he knows who they are it’s not the mega-stars(not to say that some of them aren’t in) but he knows who’s real about this thing and who’s fakin’ on the funk!

  15. I pray that Pastor Weeks will tell the truth about what happened on that day. These types of lies are the biggest reasons unsaved souls will not come to God. How can we expect them to if we believer won’t practice what we say we believe. The forgiveness it there for the asking so why not. This has nothing to do with judgement I have no Heaven to put you but place save the the Christian church from the suffering to same fate as the Catholic church because the offending leaders would rather lie than to admit and rectify the situation. Don’t let it be uncovered in the courtroom.

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