Obama’s Christmas Ad


Going along with the trend that Mike Huckabee started, Barack Obama released a Christmas ad to the voters in the early states. In my minds eye, after nearly a year of campaigning, I’ve envisioned the process of cutting this ad in the following parody.  

1st script, first take 

Michelle: We’re the Huxtables… 

Director: CUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Take two  

Michelle:  We’re the Obamas, coming to you once again to shamelessly pander…….. 

Director: CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Take three 

Michelle:   We’d like to take a moment to thank you and your family for the curiosity and blank stares displayed on your pasty white faces as you’ve marveled over how my Black, Ivy League educated husband can so articulately express himself in a way that is so raceless and non-threatening. 

Barack:  In this commercialized holiday season, we’re reminded of the conspicuous consumption and right-wing laisse faire capitalism that unites us as a people. It is more powerful and enduring than anything any one candidate will say or do and it damn sure won’t change if you vote for me. So from our bougie Huxtableesque family to yours, I’m the great white liberal hope, Barack Obama and I approved this family friendly propaganda.  

Malia: Merry Christmas 

Sasha: Mama, who y’all talking too?  

Michelle says through clenched teeth: Say your line, baby. 

Sasha: Mama, you didn’t answer my question.

Malia:  Daddy, are we done? Can we go home now? 

Barack through a frozen smile: No, Malia. Sasha, say your line. 

Sasha:  Y’all been frontin for these white folks for a year and I am tired.  When is this gonna be over? 

Director: CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

The final product. 

Michelle: We’d like to take a moment to thank you and your family for the warmth and friendship that you’ve shown ours, for sharing your hospitality, and your stories.   

Barack: In this holiday season, we’re reminded that the things that unite us as a people are more powerful and enduring than anything that sets us apart and we all have a stake in each other, in something larger than ourselves.  So from our family to yours, I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message. 

Malia: Merry Christmas. 

Sasha: Happy Holidays.

17 thoughts on “Obama’s Christmas Ad

  1. I LOVE when we get to climb inside your mind and see the world through your witty mind’s eye.

    ” In this commercialized holiday season, we’re reminded of the conspicuous consumption and right-wing laisse faire capitalism that unites us as a people. ” How sadly true this is! Sigh.

    Thanks for the field trip to your mind, SB–love the view from there! 🙂

  2. Yogo

    Now you know I keep my eyes at thigh level. Why is she tapping him on the inside of the knee and he can’t be bothered to put his arm around his wife? Huh? I didn’t even hear what they were talking about, the knee tapping distracted me.

  3. I just hope they don’t deliver that message with a “wide stance”. 😉

    Sorry, SB, you knew that was begging for that line. Seriously, I bow to your brilliance…I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy (best “Wayne’s World imitation)…

  4. You are so wicked. 🙂

    How did I know that you wouldn’t be able to resist? 😉

    You’re getting back into your groove…LOL

    I thought the girls were cute as buttons.

  5. Sasha: Y’all been frontin for these white folks for a year and I am tired. When is this gonna be over?

    Just the thought of the littlest one saying this…..priceless 🙂

  6. Cliff

    I would like to endorse Barack Obama for president, even being such the safe Negroe, myself , I would like to step out on a limb, and continue to support this man. He’s against the war in Iraq, he wants to clean up the health care crisis, the educational crisis and he’s very fond of giving equal opportunity in employment.



  7. Michelle says through clenched teeth…
    Barack through a frozen smile…

    Oh man, I could picture this sooo clearly.

    Classic comedy! You’re wasting your time on the internets, bro. You need to be writing for MadTV or one of them shows.

  8. Thought I’d let ya know (in case you didn’t ;)) that this hilarious blog posting of yours just showed up under the “politics” heading on the WordPress main page…kudos! (Now if it could only knock off the “hawt post”, which is about the latest Spears to be “shocked” she’s pg…sigh.)

  9. salt

    I’ve changed my opinion about Mr. Obama as of late, and to be fair to Mr. Obama, he is quite practical in saying that since the founding, American political tradition is reformist, not revolutionary. While I do not give whites the benefit of the doubt in their support for Mr. Obama, I do believe that Mr Obama is held to a much higher standard by black people than is necessary. Of course Mr. Obama is taking contributions from huge corporations, but in the words of R. Buckminster Fuller, “Don’t fight forces, use them”, and I’d like to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. If Obama does get elected and tries to produce justice, he will be vigorously opposed by the White Supremacists, as that is made increasingly apparent. As for his approach to white voters, this is simply pragmatism, you get flies with honey. Inherent in his campaign is the acknowledgment that the White Supremacists have really screwed things up, and while many people are to blame for the problems in the world, the people who are MOST to blame, are ALL White Supremacists. After giving Mr. Obama second look, I have a profound sense of admiration for him, and he really has to have some thick skin, and my view is sacrificing alot (principal among them is time with his offspring), and truly has to believe in hope to fend off the cynicism that is so understandably widespread in the world.

  10. Yogo

    As for his approach to white voters, this is simply pragmatism, you get flies with honey.

    You also get flies with shit.

  11. salt

    True Yogo, that is why he must tell white voters some things that they will not want to hear. If he doesn’t then he will be shown to be a hypocrite.

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