
This announcement, far from looking and sounding delusional, is understated and hefty with import and meaning. It means his focus is almost where it should be.  Heavy on earnest focus groupspeak, Edwards actually appears engaged and forthright. At least he is doing something.  When is the last time Queen Hillary got her hands dirty? This is looking more and more like a Bill Bradley redux.  It’s compelling in a calculated, feel your pain (poverty) kind of way that hits the right notes without sounding too radically left-wing wacko.  It is an interesting balancing act that will carry him farther than pundits think now.

Wouldn’t it be nice


Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another morally bankrupt, flaccid, blow-dried idiot pretending to feel our pain and spouting focus group platitudes designed to seduce us into forking over the bulk of the planet’s resources to a greedy, fascist superpower?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another amoral, fake fundamentalist Christian who pretends to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ while making backroom deals to impoverish the majority of world’s people.

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another fascist warmonger hell bent on overthrowing somebody else’s democratically elected government to please the Multinational Corporate Greed machine?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another right-wing racist willing to ignore the largest Pandemic health threat in World History to impoverished people of color?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another corporate tool willing to equivocate and sit on his while genocide threatens to devour another country of color?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t force down our throats another World Trade Organization minion hostile to the transformative power of socialized medicine and a global living wage?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t collude with private capital to steal Presidential elections in the United States from the victor with the most votes?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t brainwash the electorate with their corporate agenda day in and day out?

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite couldn’t browbeat the Congress of the United States into ignoring the will of the American people and continue the unjustified imperial resource war in

Wouldn’t be nice if we lived in a functioning Democracy where the Global Power elite could be told by the majority of the American people, in Della Reese’s immortal words to “Kiss my ENTIRE Ass” and chose a democratic nominee for President worthy of the damn job.

If this moves you and you’d like to do something, email me at the contact link.